Edina Locksmith: Keyless Entry System Benefits

You often see high-tech devices on the big screen. You’ve probably watched a television show or movie in recent history portraying fingerprint scanners, card scanners and more. If you watch Designated Survivor, Timeless or just about any other show on Netflix, you are eventually going to see some form of a keyless entry system.

But keyless entry isn’t something that is only for those in the movies or government agents requiring some sort of secret clearance. Keyless entry is a reality for many people today.

Think about this: you just bought a brand new office space that you are very happy with. But you realize that you might have a high turnover rate because you know you are going to be hiring a lot of college students. Having to replace your locks or rekey your locks every time someone leaves the company can end up getting expensive. But what if you didn’t have to do these things?

Now imagine this: you are trying to get into a building, but your hands are completely full of groceries or shopping bags. You don’t have the free hand to look around for your key. But what if you could get in using your fingerprint? What if you could scan a card?

Places such as Walt Disney World allow guests to get into their theme parks using a card or “magic band” – they are able to get into their hotel room by scanning their band or using a key card. This is very convenient and it is no wonder that people love keyless entry!

So now you know some of the advantages to keyless entry systems. Edina Locksmith knows how convenient keyless entry systems can be. If you happen to be in Edina, MN or the nearby area, feel free to get on the phone with us so we can go over details of keyless entry and why you might like it. This is an affluent area, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need to protect your property. Certainly consider the importance of keeping your home, car and business protected – going keyless and using a keyless entry system is simple one way of doing this.

Going Keyless: Should You Take the Plunge?  

We have already mentioned some of the reasons for why keyless locks are so popular today. You might be thinking that it is hugely expensive to take advantage of this type of high-tech system. But you could spend under $50! If you are savvy with coupons and rebates, you could possibly get a keyless entry system for next to nothing – just save up those credit card points so you can get an Amazon gift card. Use sites like Ebates to earn cash back and save up the money!

6 Reasons to Go Keyless Today

Here are our top reasons for going keyless…

  1. Keyless entry is convenient
    No one wants to fumble for their keys when their hands are full. No one wants to have to pay to replace or rekey locks every time an employee leaves. Clearly, keyless entry is convenient and an added perk is that it can be quite cost-effective.
  2. Keyless entry helps keep criminals out
    Keyless entry means unauthorized individuals can’t get in, that is, if they don’t have your security code, key card, or whatever else allows you to gain entry to your property. This allows better protection.
  3. Keyless entry can act as a monitoring system
    Keyless entry systems can actually assist in keeping track of certain individuals. Own a commercial property? This feature might be beneficial for you. You can know who was where, and when.
  4. Keyless entry can prevent property damage
    We have all done it – we have gone to insert our key in the lock and missed, scratching up the door or the lock itself. Hey, it happens! Going keyless can prevent property damage.
  5. Keyless entry is safe
    Keyless entry lets you get in faster. Pressing your fingerprint down onto a box or scanning a card can be quicker than digging through your purse or pants pocket. If you are in a parking lot trying to get into your car fast because you think you might be being followed, then obviously the faster entry would be safer for you.
  6. Keyless entry is cost effective.
    Keyless entry systems, as previously mentioned, can let you avoid the need to rekey locks. This is especially useful if you are a business that might have a high turnover for reasons beyond your control. You won’t have to worry that someone could have a copy of your key.

Keyless Entry: Groundbreaking Technology at Your Fingertips – Or In Your Fingertips

Keyless entry systems offer groundbreaking technology at your fingertips, or, well, in your fingertips if you happen to opt for a keyless system that uses fingerprints for entry. You can better secure your property. You don’t have to worry about a key being stolen or copied without your knowledge. This is tremendously advantageous! It is not easy to manipulate a keyless entry system, if anything, it is almost impossible. You have so many options to choose from, so we recommend you start looking today.

Would you like more information on keyless entry? We are here to answer any questions locals in the area might have. It is important that you hire a company that is licensed and insured when it comes to keyless entry. Make sure that you find someone you can trust if you are not in our service area.

We are glad you have realized the importance of learning more about keyless entry systems.  We know that you will find budget friendly solutions to help you protect your property. Look into keyless satin nickel entry door knobs, touchscreen single cylinder deadbolts, electronic entry door levers and more. There are so many options that are literally at your fingertips – you are sure to find the perfect keyless entry system for your property.

We hope you now have a better understanding of keyless entry and its benefits.